AGrep Search Engine v3.0 26nd February 1994 (C) Yves Roumazeilles ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The AGrep Search Engine is a text search DLL to be used with any kind of Windows application. It has two possibilities: - approximative search based on Baeza-Yates algorithm to find a pattern which is only partly known (also known as search with erroneous patterns). For example, you can search for "pattern" with 1 error (at most) and it will match "pattern", "pittern" and "Pattern" while stepping over "lantern" (2 errors). - search modelled on the Unix utility named GREP. It is particularly useful for complex searching with the help of its specific search "language" to describe the pattern you look for. For example, you can search for "^pattern" to look for "pattern" at the beginning of a line; or for "[pl]a[nt]tern" to look for either "pattern" or "lantern". Look into the Help file for an extensive description of the pattern language. Both are particularly useful to improve greatly the search capability of an existing tool such as a text editor, a data base search engine, etc. The Windows help file gives detailed information about using it. File List: AGREP.DLL Basic DLL AGREP.HLP Help for programmer (function description) AGREP.TXT This file AGREP.H For C programmers BITLIST.H AGREP.LIB CLUSTER.TXT Description of the ClusterView Windows application BITLIST.TXT Description of the BitList Engine ORDER.TXT Minimal order form To install The AGrep Search Engine, simply put the files AGREP.DLL and AGREP.HLP in any directory already included in your path (C:\WINDOWS suggested). If you already have an earlier version of the AGrep Search Engine, replace its old AGREP.DLL file by the new one. Place AGREP.H, BITLIST.H and AGREP.PAS in your include file directory (see your compiler documentation) and AGREP.LIB in your library directory (see your compiler/linker documentation). If Windows cannot find the DLL when the application is run, make sure it is in a directory on your path, and try again. The AGrep Search Engine is shareware. It it not Public Domain or Free. See the help file for shareware information and extensive description of the registration steps (including a number of registration sites accepting 800-calls or credit cards). If you cannot find the Help file and its registration forms, use the minimal form file ORDER.DOC and mail it with your payment to the address shown. If you find the AGrep Search Engine useful, do the decent thing and register! In return you will receive: - a registration number to identify yourself, - the full AGrep Search Engine (in its latest version) - extensive documentation - source code of the help files which can be modified to build your own application help file - source code for some useful resources that can be included in your own application - sample files for various languages - support thru Email and Fax